Whilst the country tuned in for the 2020 Melbourne Cup, the cash rate decision for November was announced and rates have been cut.
In response to the economic impact being caused by the COVID-19 crisis, the RBA reduced the cash rate by 0.15% to a new record low of 0.1%.
Let's be clear - The RBA wants you to do your bit for Australia and start spending, but is this necessarily the best thing for you?
How to really capitalise

Net Overseas Migration (NOM)
One of the most profound changes affecting the Australian economy and society this century has been the massive lift in Australia’s net overseas migration (NOM) and population growth under the multi-partisan Big Australia policy.
The three largest states, New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland, continued to account for the largest contributions to net overseas migration nationally in the year ending 30 June 2018.
Australia's population at the end of 2018 tipped the scales at 25,180,200 people.

Cash is King
If you have existing investment properties, or plan to buy and would like 12 Months Rent Paid In Advance each year, just confirm your details below and we'll get some info to you and walk you through any next steps.
If Cash is King, what does that make Cashflow... King of Kings?
Cash cannot be King when it offers a negative rate of return! (hold that thought and we'll come back to it) Meanwhile...

A positive impetus on prices.
House prices across all capital cities are expected to stabilise and increase in 2019/20 after experiencing slowing growth or declines in the past two years.
What contributes to that being highly likely?

First-home buyers.
The Government’s new scheme, which will allow eligible first-home buyers to get a mortgage with only a 5 per cent deposit, will kick off in January 2020.
The government unveiled the latest details of its scheme end October, confirming that 10,000 applicants would be chosen on a first-in, best-dressed basis.
But first-home buyers wanting to use the federal government’s new first home loan deposit scheme will be forced to buy homes in areas well outside of expensive cities, particularly in Sydney and Melbourne.
Read more: Jan 2020 - Start of first home loan deposit scheme